30 Ways to Gain Perspective This November
Nov 09, 2024
30 Ways to Gain Perspective This November
The days are short and the nights are long, with the Holidays fast approaching. Take some time for yourself and steal our strategies for self-care to gain some perspective as the year comes to a close.
Join us for 30 days of healthy habits to find perspective in the present moment. You can follow the calendar we've created for you or mix and match as you choose.
Week 1: November 3 - 9
This week we focus on setting the tone for the rest of the month, with an intention and new goals.
Theme: I am worthy
Affirmation: I love myself expansively: In my heart, I know that I am worthy.
“You alone are enough. You have nothing to prove to anybody.”
~Oprah Winfrey
3. Sunday: Set an intention for the month. Enjoy the extra hour this morning with some journaling time. Think about how the past month went for you. Ask yourself: How do I want the end of the year to go? Do I have any specific plans or needs for the holidays? How do I want to feel? What do I want to accomplish?
4. Monday: Do Something Different. Did you know that the first days of the week and/or month are when our motivation is highest? Take advantage of this fact and start your month off with a win! Looking to change your drinking? Join our free 28-day Change Your Drinking Challenge!
5. Tuesday: Stay Grounded. Election Day in America is known to be one of the most stressful days of the year. Stay grounded using a basic grounding strategy, like walking on grass with your bare feet, or playing the 5 senses game: name 5 things you can see, 4 things you can feel, 3 things you can hear, 2 things you can smell, and 1 thing you can taste. Limit social media and news checks to less than 15 minutes per hour.
6. Wednesday: National Stress Awareness Day. Prioritize practicing a de-stressing activity today - try a guided meditation or some other activity that works for you.
7. Thursday: Focus on Sleep Hygiene. Prioritize good sleep by leaving all screens outside the bedroom or putting them on airplane mode, creating a wind-down routine for late fall and winter, and staying consistent with your bedtime.
8. Friday: Stay In. Watch a cozy favorite fall movie. Complete the evening with a warm blanket, candles, and comfort food.
9. Saturday: Ferment Some Cranberries. I’ll be using this recipe to get some cranberries fermenting in honey for recipes later this month. I’m actually hoping to use some of the honey in a mocktail recipe for Thanksgiving.
Week 2: November 10 - 16
This week, we hone in on the habits that support our wellness.
Mood: Visions for the Future
Affirmation: I trust myself to make choices that lead to a fulfilling life.
“Pause and remember – Every single event in your life, especially the difficult lessons, have made you smarter, stronger, and wiser than you were yesterday. Be thankful!”
~Jennifer Young
10. Sunday: Do a Deep Clean. Start the week off fresh with a clean and tidy space. Be sure to purge all old mail and other piles that have accumulated for a sense of breathing room.
11. Monday: Make a Seasonal Mocktail. Check out some of my recipes on Instagram for a creative idea.
12. Tuesday: Take Some Time to Journal About Your Growth This Year. How have you grown this past year? How can this year’s personal growth help you become more of the person you want to be in the future?
13. Wednesday: World Kindness Day. Do a random act of kindness today!
14. Thursday: Schedule Next Year’s Medical Appointments. Don’t forget things like mammograms and dental hygiene appointments.
15. Friday: Take a Peek at the Full Moon. Pause this evening to view the full moon. This moon is known as the Beaver Moon and is the final supermoon of the year.
16. Saturday: Host a Wine & Cheese Night. Invite a few friends, choose a few favorite cheeses, and be sure to include a NA wine option. Talk about your visions for the upcoming year.
Week 3: November 17 - 23
At the mid-way point of the month, we pause to ground in the present moment.
Theme: Pause for a Moment
Affirmation: When I am present with myself, I create comfort wherever I am.
“Something precious is lost if we rush headlong into the details of life without pausing for a moment to pay homage to the mystery of life and the gift of another day”
~Kent Nurburn
17. Sunday: Celebrate National Hiking Day. Bundle up and head out for a hike to enjoy the fall weather. Call a friend to share the benefits of nature!
18. Monday: Pick an affirmation for the week. Say something to yourself that reminds of what truly matters. Check out our Affirmation Journal for our favorite affirmations!
19. Tuesday: Journal About Being Present. Write about a time when you felt deeply at peace and present. What did your life look like, and how did you create that sense of comfort within yourself?
20. Wednesday: Honor Transgender Day of Remembrance. Watch recent films Close to You or Will & Harper to center and celebrate Trans stories.
21. Thursday: Enjoy a Hot Mulled Beverage. Simmer cider or wine (even a NA wine) on the stovetop with some cinnamon sticks, a sliced orange, some fresh ginger, and a few cloves. It will make your house smell amazing! Take it outside for a minute to enjoy the crisp air.
22. Friday: Take a Breathwork or Yoga Class. Pause and find your breath before the hectic week ahead.
23. Saturday: Make an NA Espresso Martini. Celebrate National Espresso Day with a non-alcoholic version of the espresso martini. Check out our Instagram for a recipe!
Week 4: November 24 - 30
Find a way to make this week meaningful as we celebrate American Thanksgiving and head into the Holiday Season. Keep the traditions that you enjoy - let go of the ones you don’t.
Theme: Finding Gratitude
Affirmation: I express my gratitude for life: Every breath is a gift.
“Gratitude can transform common days into thanksgivings, turn routine jobs into joy,
and change ordinary opportunities into blessings.”
~William Arthur Ward
24. Sunday: Look Ahead at Your Holiday Calendar. Write down the traditions you want to prioritize. Be sure to block out some hours or days for a little downtime or to allow for spontaneity.
25. Monday: Roast your pumpkins. Take some of the pumpkins you’ve had decorating your front stoop and roast them to make the most delicious soups and desserts for Thanksgiving. Freeze any leftover roasted pumpkin and save the seeds to plant next spring.
26. Tuesday: Take Some Time to Reflect & Journal About Nature. How can you connect more deeply with the natural world to feel more grounded and thankful? Write down one thing you will do this week to support your grounding.
27. Wednesday: Donate to a Nonprofit That Matters. Put your gratitude into action by supporting a cause you care about. My two picks for the month: World Central Kitchen and Therapy for Black Girls.
28. Thursday: Practice Gratitude Today and Always. List 3 things you are grateful for. Be sure to tell anyone on the list how grateful you are for them.
29. Friday: Find Your Christmas Tree. No it’s not too early - I’ll be heading out to the local tree farm to choose and cut down the perfectly imperfect fresh Christmas Tree. Bonus: You get to #OptOutside!
30. Saturday: Gather Around the Fire. Honor an ancient winter tradition and light a fire in your fireplace or start a bonfire outside if it’s safe and the weather allows. Serve a warm homemade soup or chili for all your friends.
I hope you have the best month ever!
Grateful for you!
Dr. Hannah
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